In collaboration between the IEEE Morocco Section, the FST of Fez, the FSDM and the USMBA Student Branch, the 3rd IEEE E-Week’13 of Web Design & Mobile Applications & Business Innovation, will be held at the conference centre of the FST of Fez, in May 4th at 3:00 PM.
The main objective of this national scientific and engineering event is to promote the engineering profession in Morocco and to stimulate innovation and creativity among students working in the electrical, electronics, computer and other engineering related fields. It is also intended to help these professionals and students access the state-of-the-art tools, and improve their skills in all the fast changing and cutting-edge techniques related to these fields.
Several technical and social activities are scheduled for e-Week’13 in different Moroccan cities. One of the main highlights of this event is the Best Business Innovation Competition 2013 whose aim is to recognize creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship skills of Moroccan students and laureates. These skills are key to successful careers. The qualified candidates will represent Morocco in IEEE international competitions.
This competition is open to all engineering and science students, laureates from all the Moroccan Universities as well as young practicing engineers in Morocco aged 30 and less.